We are united across European borders, drawn together by a shared mission: ensuring access to safe abortion for all. The movement was started by 9 amazing organisations and coalitions from eight European countries that are already actively fighting for women’s rights on their national level and are now standing in solidarity with all women in Europe, urging action from the European Union. And because we believe real change is possible when people come together, we want to make this community even bigger. Join us!

Institute 8th of March
Institute 8th of March is one of the most impactful civil society organisations in Slovenia, established in 2016. The Institute 8th of March is not only known for its fights for women’s rights, worker’s rights, the environment, and social justice, but also for its approach to each of these topics - the Institute works with a focus on community building and connecting people. More visible campaigns of the Institute 8th of March were the Slovenian #metoo movement (#jaztudi), re-defining criminal offenses of rape and sexual violence based on the yes means yes consent model, the biggest Get Out The Vote campaign in Slovenian history, as well as two successful referendum campaigns; one for the protection of water, and one for removing political influence from the national public broadcaster.
Whether working on environmental or feminist issues, the Institute 8th of March uses storytelling and advocacy to address systemic gender and economic inequality. While creating their movements, they advocate for economic justice, democratic participation, and fundamental human rights.
Webpage: https://www.8marec.si/

“Mi Voz, Mi Decision”
Spanish Movement
A new movement is growing in Spain. A movement that connects people all over the country, people, who want to protect fundamental rights, such as the right to abortion. For the people in Spain, abortion is one of the fundamental freedoms. The movement is advocating for inclusion of abortion rights in the Spanish Constitution, echoing the recent move in France and creating a powerful feminist movement to ensure free and accessible abortion in all EU member states.

The Finnish Women’s Association Unioni
The Finnish Women’s Association Unioni (Naisasialiitto Unioni ry) is a 130 years old feminist and antiracist non-governmental organisation. Unioni was formed in 1892 to advocate for women’s rights to vote and to access public education.
Today, with over 2500 members, Unioni represents intersectional feminism concentrating on women’s rights. We work to change outdated laws, break harmful norms, and build a fierce feminist community in Finland.
Unioni is best known for its campaign called OmaTahto2020: a citizens' initiative renewing the Finnish Abortion Act, to ensure a free and safe termination of pregnancy based on bodily self-determination.The coalition of civil society actors and activists that Unioni led collected over 50,000 signatures for the citizens' initiative in just one month.
Unioni is a member of NYTKIS ry, the Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations, and thus a member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL). Since 1904, Unioni has been an affiliate organisation of the International Alliance of Women.
Webpage: https://naisunioni.fi/english/

Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet
(Polish Women's Strike)
Polish Women’s Strike was established in 2016 after the Polish National Assembly made abortion even more inaccessible, and illegal in practically all cases. The Polish Women’s Strike started organising protests all over Poland in more than 200 cities and built a movement along the way. Protests grew in size, yet access to abortion was becoming more limited and the police brutality at protests more extreme. In 2023, Polish Women’s Strike was part of a nationwide campaign in which the topic of abortion was used to bring people out to vote. The Polish Women’s Strike was Poland’s chance to change their authoritarian, right-wing government.
The incredible, resilient women of this Polish movement were the ones who said, even though their government changed, that the My Voice, My Choice movement was the only hope for safe and accessible abortion for Polish women.
Webpage: https://strajkkobiet.eu/

Wschod represents a young generation of activists in Poland determined to create a better future for all. It was founded by young Polish women, former members of Fridays for Future, who were ready to expand the message of their activism. They decided to fight not only for the environment but also against the erosion of reproductive rights in Poland.
If there’s one thing Wschod excels at, it is directly addressing key political actors. Wschod directly addressed the politicians regarding the fossil fuel industry and its connections to the Russian government, when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2021. Their campaigns are centered around what is important at a given time. In 2023, before the Polish election, they ran a Get Out The Vote campaign, visiting different cities with buses and organising workshops where young people discussed different ideas about environmentalism, feminism, and other issues. They joined the My Voice, My Choice movement to ensure better prospects for their generation in Europe.

National Women’s Council of Ireland
The National Women’s Council of Ireland is the leading national representative organisation for women and women’s groups in Ireland, founded in 1973. They have over 190 member groups and a large and growing community of individual supporters. They were one of the leading organisations during the Together for Yes campaign in 2018 which successfully legalised abortion in Ireland.
They led many campaigns regarding women’s rights in relation to domestic violence, mental health, access to abortion, and pension justice.
Webpage: https://www.nwci.ie/

“Ma Voix, Mon Choix”
Consortium in France
After introducing abortion into the French Constitution, the “Ma Voix, Mon Choix” consortium is the largest French feminist and lesbian group of national NGOs such as Planning Familial (Planned Parenthood), ~ Le Mouvement, Nous Toutes, l’Observatoire des Violences sexistes et sexuelles en Politique. The French section of the movement will be led by Alice Coffin, bringing together activists and organisations to ensure access to safe abortion throughout the EU.

#aufstehn is a digital-based progressive campaigning organisation based in Austria. It is made up of a community of over 365,000 members taking coordinated action across issues of social justice, human rights, climate justice and democracy. #aufstehn uses its collective power to shape the public discourse, hold decision makers accountable and change laws for the better.
Webpage: https://www.aufstehn.at/

Collective of Croatian activists and CSO's
A new coalition was formed in Croatia among some of the most visible human rights civil society organisations to protect reproductive rights and gender equality. The coalition includes CESI - Center for Education, Consulting and Research, RODA - Parents in Action, Association Rainbow Families (Dugine obitelji), Domine, Solidarna Foundation and Pariter. The movement is supported by visible Croatian feminists such as Lana Bobić, Dunja Bonacci Skenderović and Daniela Drandić.

Campact is an organisation that connects 3 million people who are determined to stand up for progressive politics and democratic values. Their campaigns promote eco-social progress and they strive to create a society in which all people can live safe and independently in freedom. This includes defending human rights, opposing authoritarian forces and radical market economics, protecting the environment and strengthening social cohesion.
List of supporting organizations
Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres
UMAR - União Mullheres Alternativa e Resposta
APMJ - Associação Portuguesa de Mulheres Juristas
OVO - Observatório Violência Obstétrica
Forum Apulum
Coalitia pentru egalitate de gen
Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate – CPE
Asociația pentru Libertate și Egalitate de Gen (A.L.E.G.)
Societatea de Analize Feministe Ana
Asociația Front
Asociația E-Romnja
Centrul Filia
Centrul de Acțiune pentru Egalitate și Drepturile Omului (ACTEDO)
Asociația Plural
Centrul de Studii în Idei Politice (CeSIP)
Asociația Ema
Asociația Sexul versus Barza
Societatea de Educație Contraceptivă și Sexuală (SECS)
Asociația Iele-Sânziene
Asociația Moașelor Independente
Asociația A.R.T. Fusion
Možnosť voľby
Brána do života
Inštitut 8. marec
Konfederacija sindikatov javnega sektorja
Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije
Društvo ŠKUC
Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo
Forum za enakopraven razvoj - FER
Slovenska filantropija
Ljubljana Pride
Zavod Tri
Amnesty International Slovenija
Asociación de Mujeres por la Igualdad y la Visibilidad LesCoruña
Asociación Feminista Mercedes Machado
8M Lavapies
Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos (AIETI)
Associació Gender and LGBT Lab
Coordinadora de organizaciones de mujeres para la participación e igualdad (COMPI)
Rede Educativa de Apoio LGBTIQ+ de Galicia
Lunes Lilas
Fundació Surt
L'Associació Drets Sexuals i Reproductius
Red Ecofeminista Estatal
Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Arena y Laurisilva
Campanya pel Dret a l'Avortament Lliure i Gratuït
Creación Positiva
ALTIHAY Fuerteventura Colectivo LGTBI+ y simpatizantes de Canarias
Asociación LGBTI* Diversas Canarias
Associació Hèlia
Secretaria Confederal de Mujeres, Igualdad y Condiciones de Trabajo de Ccoo
Sindicato Unión General de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras (UGT)
Consejo de la Juventud de España
Haurralde Fundazioa, Fundación Vasca en DDHH de las mujeres
Almena Cooperativa Feminista
Novembre Feminista (Ca La Dona)
Plataforma unitària contra les violències de gènere
Center for Reproductive Rights
European Women’s Lobby
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Women on Web
Amnesty International
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP)
Terre des Femmes - Frauenrechte
Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung
Ciocia Basia
Doctors for Choice Germany
pro familia
Frauen*bildungszentrum DENKtRÄUME Hamburg
Bündnis Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung Göttingen
Filia die Frauenstiftung
Women Act
Inter Alia
Super FEM
National Women Council
Abortion Rights Campaign
Doctors for Choice
Action for Choice
Together for Safety
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
Southern Task-Force On Abortion & Reproductive Topics (START)
Irish Second-Level Students' Union (ISSU)
A Buon Diritto
ActionAid Italia
AIDOS - Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo
AIED - Associazione Italiana per l'Educazione Demografia
Amnesty Italia
Associazione Inclusiv3
Associazione LaMalafimmina
Associazione Luca Coscioni
Associazione Onde Rosa
Associazione RENA
Associazione Vita di Donna
BeFree Cooperativa Sociale
Break the Silence
Casa Internazionale delle Donne
Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli
Civiltà Laica APS
D.i.Re - Donne in Rete contro la violenza
Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità
Genova che osa
Industria Scenica
IVG, ho abortito e sto benissimo
I Sentinelli di Milano
LAIGA - Libera Associazione Italiana Ginecologi per l’Applicazione della 194
Medici del Mondo
Obiezione Respinta
Oxfam Italia
Period Think Tank
Prime Minister - Scuola di politica per giovani donne
Pro-choice rete italiana contraccezione e aborto
Semia - Fondo delle Donne
Strajk Kobiet Sardynia/Women Srike
UAAR - Unione degli Atei e Agnostici Razionalisti
Unione femminile nazionale
Sievietei Paveicās
Medical students for choice
Papardes zieds
Žmogaus teisinu/Human Rights Monitoring Institute
Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights
Center for Equality Advancement
Alliance of Humanists, Atheists and Agnostics
Doctors for Choice (Malta)
Voice for choice
Men Against Violence
Women's Rights Foundation
Lawyers for Choice
The Feminist Club Amsterdam
SEEK Feminist Research to Response Network
Samen naar de Kliniek
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrouwenbelangen
Stem op een vrouw
Neighborhood Feminists
Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet (Polish Women's strike)
Akcjia demokracjia
Fundacja Widzialne
Akcja Menstruacja
Fundacja nie będziesz szła sama
Aborcyjny Dream Team
Aborcja bez granic
Amnesty International Polska
Polish Women’s Strike Network (local women's strike organizations)
Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog
WKRW (coalition of 100 local organizations)
Komitet Obrony Demokracji
Kobiety w sieci
Czarny protest Bielsko-Biała
Kongres Kobiet
Toruńska Brygada Feministyczna
Centrum Praw Kobiet
≠igfem, Interessengemeinschaft feministischer Autorinnen
Changes For Women
Pro Choice Austria
Austrian National Youth Council
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Familienplanung
Aids Hilfe Wien
Österreichischer Frauenring
Verein Amazone
Abortion Right
Centre d’Action Laïque
Bulgarian Fund for Women
BOLD (Bulgarians Organizing for Liberal Democracy)
Domine (Split)
"CESI - Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje/CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research"
RODA - Roditelji u akciji
Centar za građanske inicijative Poreč
Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava - Osijek
Udruga Sofija
Strategic Development at Center for Social Innovation - CSI
WICZ+ Foundation
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO)
Ciocia Czesia
Czech Women's Lobby
Canopy LAB
Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA)
Copenhagen Feminist Forum
Everyday Sexism Project Danmark
International Women's Network in Estonia - IWNE
The Finnish Womeńs Association Unioni
Demarinaiset, Social democratic women
Ihmisoikeusliitto, The Finnish League for Human Rights
Kokoomusnaiset, The women’s wing of the National Coalition Party
Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Finland (PSR Finland)
Naisjärjestöjen Keskusliitto, The National Council of Women of Finland
Solidaarisuus, International Solidarity Foundation
Suomen Akateemisten Naisten Liitto, Finnish Federation of Graduate Women
Svensk Ungdom, The Swedish Youth of Finland
Vasemmistonaiset, The Left Women in Finland
Vihreät naiset, Green Women’s Association
Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland
Lääkäriliitto, The Finnish Medical Association (FMA),
Suomen Seksologiliitto, Finnish sexologist’s association
Fem-R, a feminist and anti-racist civil society organisation,
Kurdistan Diaspora Naisten liitto, Kurdish women’s union in Finland
Liikkeen naiset, (Women’s association of the Movement Now -party)
Loisto setlementti, Loisto settlement, a Finnish youth work NGO
Monika-naiset, Multicultural Women’s Association
Svenska Kvinnoförbundet, The Women's Organisation of the Swedish People's Party
Vapaaehtoisesti Lapsettomat Ry, Association of the voluntarily childless people
Vihreät nuoret, Federation of Green Youth and Students
Le Planning familial
Le Mouvement
Le Genie Lesbien
EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
Les Dévalideuses
Observatoire des Violences sexuelles et sexistes en politique
Choisir la cause des femmes