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All surplus funds generated from the sale of products on the online shop are donated exclusively to support the activities of the European Citizens' Initiative "My Voice, My Choice", which is an appeal to the European Commission to provide financial support to Member States to ensure safe abortion for all those in Europe who still do not have access to safe and legal abortion. With every purchase you make, you are helping us achieve our goal of giving the 20 million women in Europe who currently do not have this option the freedom to choose their own bodies. 

Every contribution counts!




The General Terms and Conditions of the online shop (hereinafter referred to as the Provider) are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1).


The owner of the online shop My Voice My Choice is the Institute for the Protection and Advancement of Pre-productive Rights My Voice, My Choice, tax number: 71335200, registration number: 9594957000 


The General Terms and Conditions of Business govern the operation of the online shop, the rights and obligations of the user and the provider, and regulate the business relationship between the provider and the buyer. 


The Buyer is bound by the General Terms and Conditions, which are valid at the time of purchase (or placing an online order). The User is individually reminded of the General Terms and Conditions when placing an order and confirms his/her familiarity with them by placing the order. 




All products in the shop are the property of the provider until the purchase contract is concluded. 


When shopping online, we use a virtual shopping cart. You add products to your shopping basket by selecting and specifying options for each product. To edit your shopping basket or the products you have selected, please go to the "Shopping basket" sub-page.


You can make a purchase without registering. On the CHECKOUT sub-page, enter your details (Customer & Delivery details), which will be the basis for sending you the products.  


In the Payment section, enter your credit card details. If the billing address is different from the shipping address, add the billing details separately - untick Billing address- same as shipping address and enter the details you would like to appear on the invoice.

Press Place Order & Pay to complete your purchase and pay.


If the order has been successfully placed, you will receive an order confirmation to your e-mail address.  If you have not received a confirmation within a few minutes, please check your junk mail (spam) and make sure you have entered the correct email address. If the order has been completed, it will be recorded in our system, even if you have entered an incorrect email address. 


By confirming the order, the customer confirms that he/she agrees to the General Terms and Conditions. It is not possible to place an order without this agreement.




We issue an invoice in electronic form to the user who purchases a product from the online shop. The purchase contract in the form of a purchase order is stored electronically on our server. 


The purchase contract between us and the user (buyer) is concluded at the moment the order is confirmed by the supplier. From that moment on, all prices and other conditions of purchase are fixed and apply to both us and the user (buyer).





We allow secure payment of goods by credit card via the STRIPE interface. Please provide your bank card number, expiry date and CVC code. Your bank card details are processed only by STRIPE, which ensures high security of online payments and high protection of your data.




Prices do not include VAT, as the provider is not a taxable person. Prices are valid at the time of order placement and have no predefined validity. Prices are valid in case of payment by the above mentioned payment methods, under the above mentioned conditions.


We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but it may nevertheless happen that the price information is incorrect. In this case, or in the event that the price of the item changes during the processing of the order, the supplier will allow the buyer to withdraw from the purchase. At the same time, the supplier will offer the buyer a mutually satisfactory solution.


The contract of sale between the Provider and the Buyer is deemed to be concluded at the moment the Provider confirms the order (the Buyer receives an e-mail with the status 'order confirmed' at the same time). From this moment, the final prices and other conditions are fixed and apply to both the Provider and the Buyer.




The cost of shipping by standard delivery service is calculated as follows:


Slovenia: €3


EU (except Slovenia): €3.5


The online shop operates on a print-on-demand basis. Each ordered product is produced only after the order has been placed. The production time for each product depends on various factors, including the product ordered, the location of the order, the location to which the product is being shipped and the quantity of products ordered. 


Standard production time for products is between 1 to 4 days. However, as we operate on a Print-on-demand basis production time can sometimes take up to 9 days.

The delivery time for products dispatched by standard delivery service is usually between 2 and 4 days.

If you purchased multiple products at once, they might be sent in separate shipments.



In the case of distance contracts, the consumer has the right to notify the company by e-mail ( or by any other communication channel within 14 days that he/she wishes to withdraw from the contract, without having to give a reason for his/her decision.


The Buyer must return the goods to the Company no later than 14 days after the notification of withdrawal. We accept written complaints and appeals to our email address The only cost to the Buyer in relation to the withdrawal from the order is the direct cost of returning the goods.


The Buyer must return the item to the Seller unaltered, undamaged and in the same quantity, unless the item is destroyed, damaged, lost or reduced in quantity without any fault on the part of the Consumer. We shall not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of conduct outside the terms and conditions.


When returning the goods, the Customer shall also send the invoice for the goods and personal details and the bank account to which he wishes to receive the refund.


We will process the refund within 14 days of receipt of the returned goods.


The Buyer may return the products within 14 days from the date of purchase by ordinary or registered mail to My Voice My Choice, Glinškova ploščad 9, 1000 Ljubljana.


To return the product, please use the return form found by clicking on this link


Please attach the completed form to the returned product, enclose the original receipt and send it to our address.

All costs associated with the return of the products are to be paid by the buyer. We do NOT accept returns for a ransom.




A product is materially defective if it does not have:

  • the characteristics necessary for its normal use;

  • the characteristics necessary for the particular use for which the buyer is buying it, but which were known or ought to have been known to the seller;

  • qualities and characteristics which have been expressly or tacitly agreed or prescribed;

  • if the seller has delivered to the buyer a product which does not conform to a sample or model.


The Buyer may claim a material defect in the purchased product when purchasing any product from the online shop if, for example, the product does not work, does not have the characteristics it should have or otherwise does not comply with the offer published in relation to it on the online shop. 

When claiming that a product has a material defect, the buyer can choose between the four rights set out in the Consumer Protection Act and can claim:

  • rectification of the defect,

  • replacement of the product with a new, faultless product,

  • return of part of the amount paid in proportion to the defect,

  • a refund of the amount paid.


The buyer may exercise his rights under the material defect if he notifies the online shop of the defect within two months of the date on which the defect was discovered.

The online shop shall not be liable for material defects in the goods which become apparent after two years have elapsed since the goods were delivered.

A defect in the goods shall be deemed to have existed at the time of delivery if it appears within six months of delivery.


When claiming a material defect, the buyer must attach a form, available by clicking on this link.




If you have received a package that is physically damaged, missing contents or shows signs of opening, please contact us within 14 days.


We will replace damaged products with new products. When you report a damaged product, we will also ask you to photograph and describe the damage to the product.


We will make sure that the complaint is resolved as soon as possible. 




The Supplier is obliged by law to provide the Buyer with a guarantee for the faultless functioning of the purchased goods. The Buyer shall invoke the warranty by presenting the Seller's invoice.


The Provider is obliged to carry out the warranty repair within 45 days of receipt of the goods, failing which the item shall be replaced by another, equivalent and faultless item.


The return of the goods under warranty shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's terms and conditions and shall be at no cost to the Buyer.




We protect personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.




The Provider shall comply with the applicable consumer protection legislation. The Provider shall make every effort to comply with its obligation to establish an effective complaints handling system and to designate a person whom the Customer may contact by telephone or e-mail in the event of a problem.


The Buyer shall first address his complaint directly to the Provider. All complaints must be communicated in writing and documented with pictorial material. The complaint handling process is confidential. The consumer will endeavour to resolve the dispute amicably and as quickly as possible.


In the event of a complaint, the Customer may, subject to legal restrictions, request the replacement of the item, its repair or a refund of the purchase price.


In the event of a dispute being settled by the courts, the court of the consumer's domicile shall have jurisdiction.



Is there anything else we forgot to mention? Please contact us at


Date of last update: 15 May 2024


Owner of the online shop MYVOICE-MYCHOICE:

My Voice, My Choice Institute for the Protection and Advancement of Reproductive Rights


1000 Ljubljana



Tax ID: 71335200 (not subject to VAT)

Registration number: 9594957000



Personal account: SI56 6100 0002 8809 153


Ves presežek sredstev, ki nastane s prodajo izdelkov na spletni trgovini se namenja izključno podpornim aktivnostim za evropsko državljansko pobudo “My Voice, My Choice”, ki predstavlja poziv Evropski komisiji, naj državam članicam zagotovi finančno podporo za varno umetno prekinitev nosečnosti vsem v Evropi, ki še vedno nimajo dostopa do varnega in zakonitega splava. Z vsakim opravljenim nakupom nam pomagate pri uresničevanju našega cilja, da 20 milijonom ženskam v Evropi, ki trenutno nimajo te možnosti, omogočimo svobodno odločanje o lastnem telesu. Vsak prispevek šteje!


Splošni pogoji spletne trgovine (v nadaljevanju ponudnik) so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1) ter Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah (ZEKom-1).

Lastnik spletne trgovine My Voice My Choice je Zavod za zaščito in napredek preproduktivnih pravic My Voice, My Choice, davčna številka: 71335200, matična številka: 9594957000

Splošni pogoji poslovanja določajo delovanje spletne trgovine, pravice in obveznosti uporabnika in ponudnika ter urejajo poslovni odnos med ponudnikom in kupcem. 

Kupca zavezujejo splošni pogoji, ki so veljavni v trenutku nakupa (oziroma oddaje spletnega naročila). Uporabnik je ob oddaji naročila vsakič posebej opozorjen na splošne pogoje poslovanja in z oddajo naročila potrdi svojo seznanjenost z njimi.


Vsi izdelki v trgovini so do sklenitve kupoprodajne pogodbe last ponudnika.

Pri spletnem nakupovanju uporabljamo virtualna nakupovalno košarico. Izdelke dodajate v košarico z izbiro in določitvijo opcij pri posameznem izdelku. Za urejanje nakupovalne košarice oziroma izbranih izdelkov se premaknite na podstran "Košarica".

Nakup je mogoče opraviti brez registracije. Na podstrani CHECKOUT vnesite svoje podatke (Customer & Delivery details), ki bodo osnova za pošiljanje izdelkov.  

Na razdelku Payment vnesite vnesite podatke vaše kreditne kartice. V kolikor se podatki za izstavitev računa razlikujejo od naslova za pošiljanje posebej dopišite  še podatke za račun- odstranite kljukico Billing address-  same as delivery address in vpišite podatke, ki bi jih želeli izpisane na računu.

Za zaključek nakupa in plačilo pritisnite Place Order & Pay.

Če je bilo naročilo uspešno oddano, boste na vaš e-mail naslov prejeli potrditev naročila.  Če potrdila v nekaj minutah niste prejeli, preverite vašo neželeno pošto (spam) in ali ste vnesli pravilen email naslov. Če je bilo naročilo zaključeno, bo zapisano v našem sistemu, četudi ste navedli napačen email naslov.

S potrditvijo naročila kupec potrjuje, da se strinja s splošnimi pogoji poslovanja. Oddaja naročila brez tega strinjanja ni možna.


Uporabniku, ki kupi izdelek iz spletne trgovine, izdamo račun v elektronski obliki. Kupoprodajna pogodba v obliki nakupnega naročila je v elektronski obliki shranjena na našem strežniku.

Kupoprodajna pogodba med nami in uporabnikom (kupcem) je sklenjena v trenutku, ko je naročilo potrjeno s strani ponudnika. Od tega trenutka dalje so vse cene in drugi pogoji nakupa fiksirani in veljajo tako za nas kot za uporabnika (kupca).


Omogočamo varno plačilo blaga s kreditno kartico preko STRIPE vmesnika. Navedite številko bančne kartice, datum veljavnosti in CVC kodo. Podatke o vaši bančni kartici obdela zgolj punudnik STRIPE, ki zagotavlja visoko varnost spletnega plačevanja in visoko zaščito vaših podatkov.


Cene ne vsebujejo DDV, ker ponudnik ni davčni zavezanec. Cene veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila in nimajo vnaprej določene veljavnosti. Cene veljajo v primeru plačila z zgoraj navedenimi načini plačila, pod zgoraj navedenimi pogoji.

Prizadevamo si, da zagotovimo točne in ažurne podatke, a se kljub temu lahko zgodi, da je podatek o ceni napačen. V tem primeru, ali v primeru, da se cena artikla spremeni med obdelavo naročila, bo ponudnik kupcu omogočil odstop od nakupa. Ponudnik bo hkrati kupcu ponudil rešitev, ki bo šla v obojestransko zadovoljstvo.

Smatra se, da je kupoprodajna pogodba med ponudnikom in kupcem sklenjena v trenutku, ko ponudnik potrdi naročilo (kupec hkrati prejme elektronsko sporočilo o statusu 'naročilo potrjeno'). Od tega trenutka so končne cene in drugi pogoji fiksirani in veljajo tako za ponudnika, kot za kupca.


Stroški pošiljanja s storitvijo standardne dostave se obračunajo sledeče:

Slovenija: 3 eur

EU (razen Slovenija): 3,5 eur

Spletna trgovina deluje po načelu tiska na zahtevo. Vsak naročeni izdelek se izdela šele po oddanem naročilu. Čas izdelave posameznega izdelka je odvisen od različnih faktorjev, med drugim naročenega izdelka, lokacije izvedbe naročila, lokacije, v katero se izdelek pošilja in količine naročenih izdelkov.


Standardni čas izdelave izdelkov je od 1 do 4 dni. Ker so izdelki narejeni na osnovi storitve tiska na zahtevo, lahko čas izdelave včasih traja do 9 dni.

Čas dostave izdelkov, odposlanih s storitvijo standardne dostave je običajno med 2 in 4 dni.


Če ste kupili več izdelkov naenkrat, se lahko zgodi, da bodo poslani v ločenih pošiljkah.


Pri pogodbah, sklenjenih na daljavo, ima potrošnik pravico, da v 14 dneh podjetju na elektronski naslov ( ali po kakšnem drugem komunikacijskem kanalu sporoči, da odstopa od pogodbe, ne da bi mu bilo treba navesti razlog za svojo odločitev.

Kupec mora najkasneje v 14 dneh po sporočilu o odstopu od naročila podjetju vrniti blago. Pisne reklamacije in pritožbe sprejemamo na naš elektronski naslov Edini strošek, ki bremeni kupca v zvezi z odstopom od naročila, je neposredni strošek vračila blaga.

Kupec mora artikel vrniti prodajalcu nespremenjen, nepoškodovan in v nespremenjeni količini, razen če je artikel uničen, pokvarjen, izgubljen ali se je njegova količina zmanjšala, ne da bi bil za to kriv potrošnik. Za nastale stroške zaradi ravnanja izven pogojev poslovanja ne odgovarjamo.

Kupec ob vračilu blaga pošlje tudi račun za blago in osebne podatke ter bančni račun, na katerega želi prejeti vrnjeno plačilo.

Vračilo plačila bomo opravili v 14 dneh od prejema vrnjenega blaga.

Kupec lahko izdelke v roku 14 dni od dneva nakupa vrne po navadni ali priporočeni pošti na naslov: My Voice My Choice, Glinškova ploščad 9, 1000 Ljubljana

Za vračilo uporabite obrazec, ki ga najdete s klikom na to povezavo. Izpolnjen obrazec priložite vrnjenemu izdelku, priložite originalni račun in pošljite na naš naslov.

Vse stroške, povezane z vračilom izdelkov, plača kupec. Za vrnjene izdelke NE sprejemamo pošiljk z odkupnino.


Izdelek ima stvarno napako, če nima:

  • lastnosti, ki so potrebne za njegovo normalno rabo;

  • lastnosti, ki so potrebne za posebno rabo, za katero ga kupec kupuje, ki pa je bila prodajalcu znana oziroma bi mu morala biti znana;

  • lastnosti in odlik, ki so bile izrecno ali molče dogovorjene oziroma predpisane;

  • če je prodajalec kupcu izročil izdelek, ki se ne ujema z vzorcem ali modelom.

Stvarno napako na kupljenem izdelku lahko kupec uveljavlja pri nakupu kateregakoli izdelka iz spletne trgovine, če denimo izdelek ne deluje, če nima lastnosti, ki bi jih moral imeti, ali če kako drugače ni skladen s ponudbo, ki je bila v zvezi z njim objavljena na spletni trgovini.

Ob uveljavljanju stvarne napake na izdelku kupec lahko sam izbira med štirimi pravicami, ki jih določa Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov, pri čemer lahko zahteva:

  • odpravo napake,

  • zamenjavo izdelka z novim brezhibnim izdelkom,

  • vrnitev dela plačanega zneska v sorazmerju z napako,

  • vračilo plačanega zneska.

Kupec lahko uveljavlja svoje pravice iz naslova stvarne napake, če spletno trgovino obvesti o napaki v roku dveh mesecev od dneva, ko je bila napaka odkrita.

Spletna trgovina ne odgovarja za stvarne napake na blagu, ki se pokažejo potem, ko mineta dve leti, odkar je bila stvar izročena.

Šteje se, da je napaka na stvari obstajala že v času izročitve, če se pojavi v roku šest mesecev od izročitve.

Kupec mora ob uveljavljanju stvarne napake priložiti obrazec, dostopen s klikom na to povezavo.


V primeru, da ste prejeli fizično poškodovan paket, v njem manjka vsebina ali kaže znake odprtja, nas kontaktirajte najkasneje v roku 14 dni. Poškodovane izdelke bomo nadomestili z novimi izdelki. Ob prijavi poškodovanega izdelka vas bomo prosili tudi, da nam poškodbo na izdelku fotografirate in opišete.

Poskrbeli bomo, da bo reklamacija rešena v najkrajšem možnem času.


Ponudnik je v skladu z zakonom kupcu dolžan  zagotoviti garancijo za brezhibno delovanje kupljenega blaga. Kupec garancijo uveljavlja s predložitvijo računa prodajalca.

Ponudnik je dolžan garancijsko popravilo opraviti v 45 dneh od prejema blaga, v nasprotnem primeru pa artikel zamenjati z drugim, enakovrednim in brezhibnim artiklom.

Vračilo blaga v garancijo se opravi v skladu s pogoji proizvajalca, kupec z vračilom nima stroškov.


Osebne podatke varujemo skladno z našo politiko zasebnosti.


Ponudnik spoštuje veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov. Ponudnik se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost vzpostaviti učinkovit sistem obravnavanja pritožb in določiti osebo, s katero se, v primeru težav, kupec lahko poveže telefonsko ali po elektronski pošti.

Kupec se s svojo reklamacijo najprej obrne direktno na ponudnika. Vse reklamacije morajo biti sporočene pisno in dokumentirane s slikovnim materialom. Postopek obravnave reklamacije je zaupen. Potrošnik se bo potrudil spor rešiti sporazumno in v najkrajšem možnem času.

V primeru reklamacije lahko kupec, v skladu z zakonskimi omejitvami, zahteva zamenjavo artikla, njegovo popravilo ali vračilo kupnine.

V primeru sodnega reševanja sporov je za reševanje pristojno sodišče po stalnem prebivališču potrošnika.



Vas zanima še kaj, kar smo pozabili omeniti? Kontaktirajte nas na

Datum zadnje spremembe: 15. maj 2024

Lastnik spletne trgovne MYVOICE-MYCHOICE:
Zavod za zaščito in napredek reproduktivnih pravic My Voice, My Choice


1000 Ljubljana



Tax ID: 71335200 (not subject to VAT)

Registration number: 9594957000



Personal account: SI56 6100 0002 8809 153

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